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ERF 2024 Workshop "Sustainability Leadership Recognition in Robotics"

We are pleased to invite researchers, academics, and industry professionals to attend the workshop on "Sustainability Leadership Recognition in Robotics" which will be held in conjunction with the 15th edition of the European Robotics Forum, to be held from 13-15 March 2024 in Rimini, Italy.

Date: 14th March 2024

Time: 11:40 – 13:00 CET

We are excited to announce the launch of the “Sustainability Leadership Recognition in Robotics” session at the European Robotics Forum 2024, recognizing and celebrating innovations in robotics that contribute significantly to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. This session aims to honour organisations and teams that have developed and implemented robotic solutions with a strong commitment to sustainability. Sustainability Leadership Recognition in Robotics Robots show a high potential to aid sustainability. They have power to catalyse positive change across multiple sectors, from combating climate change to enhancing recycling efforts, reducing manufacturing waste, and even transforming social applications. As the demand for robotics increases, it becomes imperative to ensure that the production and disposal of robots align with sustainable principles. Yet, addressing the sustainability aspect of robotics is no small feat. The journey to design, develop, manufacture, and integrate robots into daily workflows is filled with complexities. The urgency to assess the long-term sustainability of robotic technologies is undeniable. We must ensure that the use of robots does not inadvertently outweigh their positive impact on our planet. It falls upon the robotics community to define their role in addressing sustainability challenges and strive for a positive impact. To catalyse this transformative journey, the “Sustainability Leadership Recognition in Robotics” has been brought to life. The session aims to acknowledge prioritisation of sustainability in the robotics community and inspire others to do the same.

Workshop Theme: Recognizing and celebrating innovations in robotics that contribute significantly to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.


11:40 – 11:45    Opening comments by the organisers

11:45 – 11:50    Inspirational Presentation Carl Mörch, FARI Brussels: “The BrIAS fellowship”

11:50 – 11:55    Inspirational Presentation Birgitte Østergård, DTI: “Green transition in hospitals”

Topic: Making use of an existing robot solution to support sustainability

  • Flexible System for Human-Robot Cooperative Remanufacturing (Re-FMS)

Topic: Developing a robot to support sustainability

  • Plato: eco-design, light in power management, made in France, sourced 63% in EU

  • Robotic seabed cleaning platform - MAELSTROM project

  • VIGO pilot - reduction of environmental pollution with waste from production of semiconductors

Topic: Supporting sustainability in robotics through an initiative

  • Investigating the enabling and disabling role of robotics for the UN SGDs

  • angsa robotics X rokit

12:55 – 13:00    Conclusion


  • Franziska Kirstein, Blue Ocean Robotics

  • Sharath Chandra Akkaladevi, Profactor GmbH



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